Sunday, January 30, 2011

Digital Native

Are you a digital native? Is anyone really a native to the 'digital world'? A native is 'characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning'. Yet in my mind I believe that if you were born in a era where computers and cell phones already existed, you can still be a digital native because you grew up knowing how to use these items. Some people might frown upon 'digital natives' because technology has also been found to be bad for us, according to an abc article. 

It seems like in this day and age that children are born with a natural instinct for technology. Something as simple as an iphone or ipad can be the most difficult thing for the older generation(s) to catch on too. My whole family has iphone's and has had them for years. Yet I still find myself helping my mom or dad with the simplest things even though they have had the phone for years! Children that are born in the 'digital era' have a natural knowledge of technology, here is an example.

E-trade is famous for the 'classic baby commercial' with this child. The baby pretty much shows that if a baby can use e-trade anyone can! Although a child really would not be able to use e-trade, this does show how children born in the 'digital era' are able to pick up and learn stuff quicker. 

Media Literacy

Pop quiz! Which would you rather do? Write a 10 page paper over different styles of music by using a textbook, or complete the paper by researching music videos on youtube? Yeah, youtube would be my choice too, but why? Why is it that students would much use youtube as a source over a text book? Because it has to do with media, it's not just reading out of a book. 

Media literature is defined as the "ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and utilize mass communication". Being media literate is not only being able to see the message but to be able to break it down and comprehend it. Commercials are always trying to come up with sneaky ways to use media literacy. 

As we all know the ecosystem is something near and dear to many people. Audi is showing that not only is driving their Audi A3 TDI 'feel right' but their clean diesel is good for the environment. This combination makes people feel like they would be doing good for the ecosystem if they were to buy this SUV. But the only way to understand that the ecosystem is in trouble and there are things we can do to prevent it, you have to be media literate to understand the message this commercial is conveying. 

"Media literacy is the ability to sift through and analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day. It's the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all media— from music videos and Web environments to product placement in films and virtual displays on NHL hockey boards", says Jane Tallim. Being media literate is a quality that everyone has in them without even knowing it! Media is everywhere you go, just think about how much you truly do use it every single day. 

All About Me

I love meeting new people, but I’m awful with names. I make decent grades, but I don’t look forward to going to class. My best subject is math, yet I’m majoring in media communications. I hope to work for ESPN or CNN someday. I have to stay active, cheering helps with that. My last meal would definitely be mac and cheese out of the blue box.  I love my family, but I can’t wait to move out next month. I am the worst speller on this planet, you’ll notice it I promise. Unlike a lot of people, I love my job. Biggest pet peeve: hearing people complain, even though I know I do it sometimes. I think doing this blog is going to benefit me more than just get a good grade for class.
What’s my name? Amanda Seyden.