Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Laptop > textbook

When we were children, the most exciting thing we ever learned, was how to read. Yet, now the most exciting thing is how to learn how to read through a computer, tv, and still some books. Some believe that now reading is a 'myth'. That some children will never pick up a good book and curl up in the blanket and get lost in there mind while reading. I believe this is totally false.

Although I'd give anything to just be lazy and read a book...when do I have the time? When does anyone have time? Times are changing and evolving to things we could have never imagined twenty years ago. It's not that no one does not want to simply flip through a dictionary and find out how to spell deoxyribonucleic acid, when you can just look it up on the internet. 

People are not losing interest in learning, they are just finding new ways to go about it. Technology evolving has done nothing but help children really learn more ways to learn besides sitting in front of a text book for hours doing homework. And the best part is that they really do enjoy doing it!

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